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Ye Weight Loss for Pennies!

I’m a pretty cheap date,

It’s something that me and Ligita have in common, not calling her cheap or anything, ok hole could slowly be getting dug here,

But we are similar in terms of we aren’t fussed with fancy restaurants, massive nights out or weekend trips away,

We are quite happy with a couple of beers or a bottle of wine and some fish and chips on the quay,

Ye, we are soppy like that,

I mean don’t get me wrong, I love a 3 course steak dinner more then the next person (sorry if you are vegetarian) but the little things like that make me a super cheap date,

Something we always do is pop into the arcade that’s along the quay, they have the usual games, car races, shooting games and the epically fun slot machines,

10p if you feel like a baller and then 2p if you wanna get rid of some bronze change,

The thing is, you do it to get rid of change but secretly you wanna win, you wanna come out with 22p worth of bronze for your 20p spend,

The sound of the coins dropping,

The tension of wether your 2p will push forward another one,

The excitement of watching the shelve move towards your dropped coins,

The pressure if your partner just won 6p and you are super competitive,

The shear joy of winning a lolly as well as some bronze – it was probably out of date but the look on the kids faces around you when you won and they didn’t was worth it (sorry kids)

But it got me thinking,

Your weight loss is exactly the same as the slot machine,

Hear me out on this one,

I read an epic post with regards to marketing the other day and as you may or not know, it’s a big part of business and they linked in the slot machine analogy as well,

This is what it said –

You know those penny pusher machines in arcades?

You keep posting in the pennies and the machine slides and as your coins drop, others are pushed to the edge.

Occasionally one or two drop.

Sometimes none do.

Simultaneously there is a build up situation as the pennies back up and a kind of ridge is formed, and over time this builds up until you hear the sweet sound of loads dropping at once.

You keep feeding the pennies in the top. It trickles back to ones or twos dropping, with the occasional nothing.

But the machine keeps moving.

The pennies keep being fed in.

There is a certain predictability to this rhythm over time.

Keep feeding and keep cashing in.

Welcome to online marketing.

Keep showing up, and you’ll keep cashing in.

The pennies can be leads, clients, opportunities…they will keep dropping as long as you keep feeding the machine with consistent, predictable input.

Try and wedge in a 50p…
Kick the machine to cheat the system…
Turn the whole thing off in frustration…

Things grind to a halt.

Go with the rhythm, trust in the process, keep feeding the machine.

Get ready for the big wins.

And relax into the quiet days knowing they are building to the big wins all the time.

It was from a lady called Helen who I follow on the socials, without sounding sexist the whole marketing world is very male dominant, just like the coaching world actually, so it’s nice to get a ladies perspective on things plus she is super down to earth which is a massive win in my book!

This is EXACTLY the same as your weight loss,

You put in the day to day effort, hit your steps, track your food, stay in your deficit, maybe get some workouts in that’s you feeding the machine over and over again,

and occasionally you’ll get some small wins (a couple of coins fall) that could be losing a lb, losing a inch of your tummy, granted it’s not a lot but it’s still a win,

Then you’ll have days where nothing changes,

You have kept feeding the machine but nothing is happening,

You wonder if it’s worth it,

Whats the point in continuing?

Nothing is changing, maybe it’s time to throw in the towel,

but part of you knows that the hard work will pay off massively, theres a pile of coins starting to build up, it will happen, we just gotta keep going,

and then suddenly they all drop – you lose 6 lbs in a week, you get compliments from friends, you fit back into your favourite pair of jeans, you take a new picture and compare it to your ‘before’ one, all MASSIVE wins in one go,

and the cycle continues, you keep feeding it the results continue to happen, not all at once but they happen,

But turn the machine off (Quit the plan altogether)

Try and cheat the system by ramming in a 50p (Jumping to a fad diet to speed things up)

Kicking the machine (Beating yourself up because it’s not happening as fast as you want)

Then you aren’t going to get any wins, you have ultimately stopped, you have got frustrated and you have quit,

Weight loss is a journey but we need to look at it more as a body and mind transformation, not just a number chasing game,

But we have to be consistent,

I’ve said it so many times before,

Being consistent is the most unsexy thing I could say but at the back of our minds we know it will work and it’s the right thing to do,

So a different view on weight loss but one that actually made me look at it in a different way and I have seen a lot of analogies in my time in the industry,

Just seeing and reading things in a different way can maybe turn on that lightbulb.

Keep feeding the machine and the results WILL happen.

Want to escalate those weight loss results ?

Alex Brown
DTD Academy | Website | + posts


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