It is very easy to become frustrated when weighing yourself. It happened to me for a long time. Trying to lose weight, stepping on a scale after a few weeks and nothing changes. The numbers don’t budge.

It can be stressful as well as a great zap in motivation. All your strict dieting & hours in the gym are doing nothing. You might as well throw in the towel. Right?

For starters, a simple scale that gives a reading of your weight, exactly just that! It is giving you a number of your ENTIRE body. It doesn’t calculate water weight, muscle weight, height, or body fat percentages, even though some do.
You can weigh 180 lbs today, follow a proper diet with a vigorous exercise routine for 2 months & those numbers wouldn’t change. It doesn’t mean you are a lost cause. It just means that you have traded fat for muscle!

Yes! It is the truth! You won’t notice it directly but your progress is there!

Maybe you’ve gone down a pant size or old clothes are fitting more loosely. Perhaps you feel better, stronger, and move around easier or you just don’t find it necessary to stuff your face with a bunch of carbs. THESE are the signs that you SHOULD be paying attention to! Not numbers on a scale.

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop”- Confucius

I stopped paying attention to the scale along time ago. Just cause I felt prisoner to those digits. The scale didn’t know how much muscle I was gaining, it didn’t calculate my body fat percentages or take into consideration how GREAT I was feeling! Now I just pay more closer attention to how my body reacts to types of foods & training. It feels 100 times better than waking up in the morning and getting frustrated.

Remember, that a healthy lifestyle is what you make it! No one diet fits all. Regardless of what you have read or heard. A low-carb diet is a good place to start but it will need some tweaking to fit your goals & lifestyle.
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! It will give you all the signs you need to make adjustments to reach your goals! So there is no need to rely solely on a scale.

Thank you for reading! I send you all the positive energy possible & hope you can adopt different thinking when you weigh yourself!

Your PT Jose M.

Jose Maldonado
Primal Fitness Nation | Website | + posts

I offer Online Coaching & Nutritional Guidance to individuals wanting to make life-long changes.


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